
About Us

GMGA is a new generation of decentralized chain game guild alliance. By discovering, mining, investing in high-value "Play-to-Earn" games, and using the IDO platform as a carrier to cooperate with chain games, it helps members of the guild alliance to earn game digital assets and non-fungible tokens (NFT) to generate real cash flow. GMGA is driven by the community, and the core members of the community come from senior practitioners in the chain game field.

Our mission is to build the world's second largest virtual world guild alliance economy, to provide alliance members with accurate game information and high-value returns, to optimize the digital assets owned by the alliance to achieve maximum utility, and to share profits with pass holders.

Future Perspective

We hope to own and develop digital assets in the Metaverse. The in-game digital assets will play a real practical and profitable potential, which can be easily transferred in the entire Metaverse. Every participant will have value.

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